Monday, March 10, 2014

Tegucigalpa, Honduras Temple Dedication

Hands down the most AWESOME spiritual experience in my life was watching the way a country reacted to their first LDS Temple being erected.

See it up there on the hill?? This is the view most people had of it as it was being built.

I was SO blessed to be able to walk through with the locals and attend the ordination at our city stake center in Comayagua just a week or so later. I can't even think about it without turning into a blubbering mess.

This is the awesome group of guys I went with! Take away like six of them, and that was pretty much the size of our on base meetings on most Sundays. :)

Weeks later I got to hear the testimonies of the women I served with in young women's stand and bear their testimonies after being sealed to their families at ages 13, 16, and 17. The testimonies of families who saved and saved for bus tickets to make it there. The families who all prepared individually and together, to be worthy to enter the temple doors as soon as they possibly could.

Prior to this temple being erected, the families of Honduras had to save for YEARS to make it to the Guatemala LDS Temple to be sealed as a family. They would sleep on benches along the way, making sacrifices few would believe and for some, it was not a possibility.

There was a family in our ward, who had been saving for a long time and were growing close to their goal when they announced that this temple would be built. They would have the money to travel to Guatemala to be sealed just months before the Teguc. temple would be ready. They could have used the money they saved to fix up their home, pay school tuitions, a car, or many other things I'm sure they were in need of, knowing they could put off the sealing a few more months and go for a significant fraction of the cost. However, they discussed as a family, that every day was crucial. Every day that one of them could possibly be separated by tragedy or illness was not worth having to have someone else sit in for them at the sealing ceremony. They continued to save, and were sealed in the Guatemala City, Guatemala Temple a few weeks before the dedication of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras Temple. This was HUGE to me. It spoke wonders in a language I was unfamiliar with.
I BALLED listening to the testimonies of these families. All newly sealed with a passion for the gospel few youth have the opportunity to experience.

Families can be together forever. 
This is where the authority resides to 
make bonds in Heaven, and on Earth.
Family is worth EVERY sacrifice.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Rattler and Formalin

Working on this post while eating dinner was not my brightest of ideas! haha This update will mostly be pictures because there isn't too much of a story behind it. However, I probably owe ya'll an explanation of  what it is exactly that I'm doing here.
A side hobby often attached to my job in the army, is collecting and preserving specimens so people can have a real life visual aid to know what to stay away from! I have become slightly competitive with our specimen collection here in Honduras. You can only imagen the kinds of things we have on display in our office! Central America is some what of a goldmine for crazies like me. I'll have to do a post later to show you guys the jaw dropping bugs I've found around here!
This post however, is a documentation of my first time attempting to preserve an AMPHIBIAN! That's right people. When our military police brought in this Diamond Back (I think) Rattler, I was so excited to get started! ....and said a little prayer I wouldn't trigger any remaining reflexes that would cause, what I've come to call, a "Ghost Bite". You see, even after snakes are dead, they can retain certain reflexes, for a given amount of time, that will lead to an even more dangerous bite, releasing an uncontrolled amount of venom. You may ask, "Why didn't you just wait a few days longer before handling her?" My answer, "The more time sitting in that Gatorade container, the less fresh and preservable of a specimen. Not to mention, the MP's brought her to me covered in ants! If I wanted her to stay pretty, I had to act quickly. No saying how long she had already been gone, or how much damage had already been done. If I wanted to preserve her gorgeous body in it's full glory, it was time to act. FOR SCIENCE!

Getting my supplies ready. 
Formalin, syringe, preserve jar, forceps, gloves, and a mask I ended up not using.

Thanks to Mariah (aka my battle buddy for life) for taking some pics for me! She hates snakes and did funny dances and squealed the whole way through. Such a trooper! Stick with the people jobs battle. ;) <3

The Military Police/JSF's version of collecting a specimen. 

Her head was hard to get out of there! I was trying to be super gentle.

Time to wash off the ants and Gatorade juice!

Coiling her up pretty.

Gorgeous. (See that rattler?!)

Here I am squirting formalin in her mouth to help preserve her insides 
and hopefully keep her from floating.

She ended up sinking some more over the night. The next morning I should have taken her out and shot some formalin into her body using a needle because she wasn't heavy enough to sink to the bottom with the oral method.....however.....after all this, I just lost the stomach. I'll know better next time!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Home For Christmas

I went home on leave for Christmas last second. ( ya'll know how far behind my blog really is. hahaha) Clynn picked me up from the airport and it was the weirdest thing. We hadn't seen each other (aside from skype) in four months and it was so strange to see him solid, and there....all mine. Seriously, all of leave I felt like I was in a dream. Like my computer boyfriend came to life for Christmas. haha

The night he picked me up from the airport was Christmas Eve. It was just like a movie. I was walking through the desserted airport with Christmas music playing a NERVOUS WRECK. I snuck into a bathroom before I went down the escalator I knew he would be waiting under.....(we've had to do this a few times...) I brushed my teeth and my hair....debated lip gloss for about five minutes...pinched my cheeks.....Took a deep breath and reminded myself that he liked me enough to marry me a year and a half ago, and I don't think much has changed sense then. 

Shaky, with butterflies, I went down the escalator. There he was. Blue jeans, a black t shirt, and his Carheart jacket. I hadn't seen him wear that jacket sense we owned the landscaping business we started together when we were engaged. I hugged him and I don't think he has any idea how much that jacket helped me out...the way it smelled like musky laundry detergent and grass brought back old old memories that reminded me how much history we have together. He was my best friend and standing there, he still was.

The plan was to drive straight to my parents house, sleep in the car, and surprise my sisters, Mom, and Dad first thing Christmas morning. It was about a four hour drive from the airport. When we got to the car, (Our first big kid car I had yet to see in person. A 2007 Red Dodge Nitro.) Clynn had folded down all the seats in the back and made it look just like how I made the bed every morning before I had to leave. I couldn't believe he remembered the order I like the pillows in....Max was all kinds of excited, but I almost cried as I could tell Benny was struggling to remember me. I knew he did though, a few minutes later when I called him Sweetpea and he had such a sweet reaction....I'm the only one that calls him that. It's crazy how much we have grown to love our puppies. <3

Max Left, Benny Right. <3

Here is exactly what our new car looks like 
for those of you who haven't seen it yet!

I'll keep the rest of the night special just for our memories. ; ) But I will share this; about two hours into our little road trip, we pulled off the road to let the puppies run around and shared our first kiss in four months surrounded by pouncing puppies, snow, moonlight, and crisp Christmas air. The most romantic kiss of my life. <3 It was unfamiliar, and simple...but innocent and full of love. 

The next morning...of course my Dad...with his stinkin' spidey senses, came to investigate what was going on as we were trying to find a way into the house to surprise them. way but the front door in our home. I have to give a shout out to my Dad here, he really does have super powers when it comes to keeping the people in his home safe. Any little sound and he's up checking the windows and triple checking locked doors. Doesn't help that Debbi's chihuahua is a little yapper. haha

They were all so surprised!!! We had such a fun time opening presents and making breakfast. Clynn got me a super fancy yoga mat and a super fancy hot yoga towel. (Yes, they have specific towels for hot yoga.) A box of See's (ofcourse) and Barton, my new fuzzy Teddy Bear that now sleeps here, in Honduras with me. :) I got him a nerdy hat for playing video games in (a bit of an inside joke), a super sweet sling shot an orphan kid from Honduras made, and a Honduras soccer jersey. We got my family a bunch of Kinder eggs. For those of you who don't know what those are, they are chocolate eggs with fun little toys inside, banned in the states for being choking hazards. We grew up getting little boxes of them from my Aunt Kelli when she lived in Italy, always had the little toys laying around from when my family lived in Germany, and I believe my brother sent us some from Canada while he was on his mission. They're some what of I tradition I guess you could say.

We had Christmas dinner at my Aunt Michelle's and Uncle David's. It was great to see them, my Grandma, and some of my cousin's I hadn't seen in ages! 

A couple days later, we finally made it back to our apartment! It was so nice to get to do all of the little things I love about being the matron of our home. Call me crazy, but I LOVE cleaning our home, buying glad plugins, going all out with the clorox wipes EVERYWHERE, the smell of clean laundry, and cooking for my awesome husband!....even if all I could remember how to make was tacos.....we ate allot of tacos. I'll be working more on that when I get home for good. ;) haha

Ofcourse we had to go to our FAVORITE restaurant, Mama Stortini's! We love it here. The best Italian food in Washington, I'm positive!!!

We had an awesome day with our Godson, Landon. Took him to Taco Bell and fed him fiesta potatoes (sorry Mariah/Landon's Mommy!) spent a good portion of the day at Charlie Safari's, went to dinner at my aunt Sandy's house, then wrapped up the evening with a visit at Nicole's. He's such a fun kiddo!!! We are sad him and his mommy will be moving to California soon after I get home!

This one was his favorite! 

He got to be such a good climber!!!

Awkward "God family" picture...
Landon coughing while holding onto my hair and Clynn thinking "no more pictures!"
I still love it though. :)

This was a pretty fun toy. 
The ones that make noises are the best!...for now, I guess. haha

He played so nice with my youngest cousin!

We also went on a mini date to a Bonsai tree store near Seattle. They had little trees there over eighty years old!!! You wouldn't think a tree store could be so intriguing and fun. I wish I would have taken pictures of some of those trees....but here is us in the store. haha

WE RODE A CAMEL!!!!!! We went on a double date with my brother in law, Neal, to see Zoo Lights and had a blast...even though it was FREEZING COLD!!! :) It was my first time, so I was blown away by how awesome everything looked.

One of the last things we did together was go on a Temple date. We love temple dates. :) So far, they ALWAYS mean when we leave, our marriage feels stronger. We feel more safe, more confident in our individual potential, forgiving, inspired.....the list goes on. Also, Temple dates ALWAYS mean a DQ date to follow. ;) We ran into many old friends, made some new ones, and snapped some pictures!

Our last day together was a Sunday. We got to sit in Church TOGETHER and hold hands. :) (Don't take this for granted my married friends and family!) Also, church was in English! That was really nice for me. 

All of after church was spent cuddling and holding back tears. We washed laundry and repacked my backpack. Clynn dropped me off at the airport, once again, close to midnight. We kissed and said good bye at the Seattle Airport, for what we hope will be the last time.

The trip back to Soto Cano was Solemn. 
Two mornings later I woke up in my hooch. 
I could have been convinced the whole trip was a dream if I hadn't had the pictures on my camera to prove it wasn't. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Guatemala Med Mission

One of my most amazing experiences (thus far) in Honduras, was being a part of a medical aid mission to Guatemala....So I guess I could say it was THE most amazing experience in Guatemala....because I wasn't even in Honduras so it couldn't be.....yeah, I think you get it. ;)
Aaanyway, we treated about 550 people A DAY for five days. I was very like...the beginning of day three. Each day we saw a different tribe in the beautiful and bountiful city of Chiquimula. 

The adult and infant station. Here Women and men learned about basic preventive medicine (ie: wash your hands, drink water, don't put your naked babies in the dirt where the dog poops...that's how they get worms, calendar method, don't chew your nails (another way to get worms), 
how to do self breast exams, and similar topics.)

The elementary age kids section. Here they learned proper hand washing technique, when to wash your hands, teeth brushing technique, and to try and drink lots of healthy water! 
(Even parasite water is better than no water.) 

This litter girl was my favorite. She was throwing a fit and her Mami was trying to calm her down there on the side with little I handed her a "rattle"....which was actually a bottle of pills. Probably wouldn't have flown in the states but both mom and fussy little girl were VERY thankful for the fun distraction. (the bottle is what she is holding in her hands looking right at me.) What a cutie.

Can I just say, Central American babies are THE MOST GORGEOUS I have ever seen?! All of them so tiny with the fullest little heads of dark dark hair!

Here I am giving that same little girl some anti-parasitic medication. 
Poor babies tummy was all swollen, no wonder she was fussy! 
This specific medication will keep her parasite free for 6 months! 

I would definitely say, this mission, was where my Spanish skills took leaps and bounds in comparison to any other environment I had been apart of in months prior. The people laughed, giggled, nudged, and stared at my accent....but they understood me so I didn't mind at all. I would joke and laugh with them when I had the time. They enjoyed having me repeat words to hear the funny way I said I had to find some English words that made them look silly too. ;) My favorite was having them say "Bird" because their accent made it sound like "Beard" so after laughing for a bit I took the time to explain that "Birds flew in the sky and a Beard was hair on a mans face." (the wording for how I knew to explain it in Spanish. It's allot of working around the words you do know to describe words you don't.) 

We had the privilege of working side by side with some members of the Guatemalan Military. A couple of them spoke about as much English as I spoke Spanish, so we got to help each other ALLOT! They were so fun to work with and we had a blast comparing cultures. 

The woman next to me is Sandra. We got to be pretty good friends that week!

This guy was HILARIOUS. His name was Leon. 
He gave me some cool patches and said "Beard" the most trying to get it right. hahaha
(Side note, the people of Chiquimula are VERY short. Leon is tall in his city.)

After the people, and the perfect environment for forced new language practice, my next favorite thing was DEFINITELY the ORANGES!!!!!! They were delicious and EVERYWHERE just falling off the trees like no ones business!!!!! They were sweeter than tang when they were still green! I seriously don't know how I kept from getting sick after how many I ate every day. I will never be able to take oranges in the states seriously again. Even the white part of the orange (you know, the bitter part you peel as much off of as you can?) was necessary to the whole orange and helped cut down on the sweetness a little. We would cut them in half, like a bowl, and scrape the insides out with our teeth...or just eat the whole thing! SO. GOOD. The mothers standing around would laugh as I tried to cut one with my Gerber, take it from me, and have it peeled Central American Style in a matter of seconds.

I had a good laugh because the "Oranges" were green and the "Lemons" were orange! These little orange fruits were so sour every one else cringed when I said I wanted to try one. haha

Oh! I also got to ride in a helicopter for the first time! It was a long and exhausting trip, but there is no better way to see so much country in just four hours. 

It was pretty crazy how close we flew to each other!

Our Pilot! He was funny. :)

Here is a picture of the world's most traveled fly on that day in history. 
Watched him fly inside the hawk in Central Guatemala, and fly out in Central Honduras!

Okay, okay. So now I get to brag a LITTLE. I briefed The Guatemalan Ambassador on our mission and made it on the Guatemalan news. Everyone said I did a really great job and it felt pretty good. 

Me thinking "oh this is cool, I can do this...."

aaaand this is two seconds later when all of his security and camera crews surrounded us and made our available space pretty much none. That poor mother there just wanted some vitamins and to de-worm her baby....she ended up waiting a little bit!

 At first I thought the whole thing would be a silly photo op with this guy who is supposedly super important barging in, interrupting the mission, and wanting to take credit. I couldn't have been more wrong. He was so so kind and I could really see his love for the people.

Truly an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life! 
The whole trip was such an adventure!