Friday, March 15, 2013

So my camera cord is officially lost. I spent all this time waiting for it in the mail to discover that Clynn couldn't actually find it to put in my box to ship to me.
(A box of which I believe was stopped at the border because there was beauticians wax in it.....and you're not really supposed to ship liquids...So much for that box of See's. I know they're stale by now. haha Perhaps border control was able to enjoy them!)

(Border Patrol)
Things on Soto Cano have been going pretty well. I guess the budgeting didn't get enough attention this fiscal year because we are seven months from the end of it and we are all out of money for Medical Aid Missions! Kind of a bummer but we are having fun with mini service missions on and around the base. Our next one is hosting a merit badge day camp for the Honduran Scouts of Comayagua next Saturday! Mariah and I will be teaching a 40 minute class on disease prevention and water purification techniques. I believe we will be cycling through three troops. When a troop isn't with us, they will be learning bicycle maintenance, swimming techniques, and water safety!

(Honduran Scouting Motto: "Alway Ready!")
My biggest cause for high morale these days is Clynn coming to visit NEXT WEEK!!!!! I am SO SO SO excited to get to see him again. He will be helping with the scouting activity and mostly hanging around until I get off work so we can snuggle and have dinner together every week day. Then, we have a very romantic and advenutrous trip to Tegucigalpa planned for the last weekend of the month. I get four days straight with no work and we will be staying in a pretty hotel down town, visiting all the city has to offer! I can't wait for him to get to see where I work, eat and sleep and to share with him all the beautiful things of this country I've had the pleasure of experiencing the past seven months.
The hotel we have reservations at. Pretty extravegant for Honduras! :)
Can't wait to be reunited with my lover one last time before I am home for good!!!

Then, after Clynn returns to the states, Kristin, Larry, AND Sarah (three of my four siblings) get to come visit me! The journey began as a graduation present from Clynn and I to Sarah, then, just evolved into a family reunion! I can't have all three of them stay with me due to lack of space, so they will be staying at a hotel just a few minutes off base around the corner from the Plaza Central. It will mostly be a cultural experience of their own because I have work all day, but they will get to come see me on base a few times and we'll spend the weekend/s together. All four of us 'gringos' (Honduran slaying for white person), will have crazy adventures!

Tiny Airstrip that is the Teguc. Airport.
Me & Kristin! =D
Me & Sarah! <3
Only pic. I have of me with Larry.
There's all five of us!
(Sorry Debbi, you can come after you graduate Highschool!!! <3)
(We LOVE you!!!)

On a Spiritual note, I have been able to go through THREE Temple tours this past month prior to the Tegucigalpa, Honduras Temple dedication that is happening THIS SUNDAY! Every one is so excited. Even the non-LDS locals are beyond happy and proud to have such a gorgeous building close to their homes. Each time we waited in line for around an hour before we could walk through. That time was special because everyone aroud us and non members who came to see tended to use that time to ask questions and ponder their own beliefs as they waited standing beneath the masterpiece of a castle. I found this to be great preperation time for everyone to get in the right spirit before witnessing a place so special. <3 I now believe these tours to be the largest and most powerful missionary opporotunity Christ's church has to offer.

Teguc. LDS Temple. A home away from home.
(Dedicated THIS SUNDAY!!!)
Life is looking up. Just three months from today I should be home safe with lots of memories and pictures to remember my 'Honduran Adventures'. Until then, I will be counting down the days and trying my hardest to make the most of the time I have left. :)