Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Life on Soto Cano

The past week has flown by and I have had some very interesting and unforgettable experiences. I learned how to Spackle a building!....Now I feel I can build anything with cinder blocks, Spackle, and water! 
This past Thursday also brought a roller coaster of emotion as I experienced my first holiday away from family. However, the base really pulled together, in an effort to truly make the best of a tough situation. I sat at a beautifully garnished table with coworkers as we shared good food and memories from home. These experiences, that we share.....unconditional love, gratitude, forgiveness, looking past faults day to day still trying to push each other to be better, protecting one another.....these are the things that make family. Sometimes, family isn't just blood. Sometimes, family is atmosphere. 

....I also made a new friend this week. Meet Paul. :)

Paul is a stick bug. Scientifically, he comes from the order Phasmatodea. Members of this order resemble sticks or plant life as their main form of protection from predators! He shares an order with the LONGEST and HEAVIEST bugs in the world. He is staying in this cooler for now...with some leaves...I leave it open while I'm at work for him to get lots of fresh air. Mariah and I are looking for him a nice big glass tank with a screen top...but the only pet store we knew of JUST went out of business! We will be doing some Amazon looking today. Hopefully he can last a week until his new tank gets here. =/

This week I also learned more about my camera! Here a couple photos of me learning how to use its' focus. I found the whole thing quiet interesting and the experience helped me to better appreciate the work my photographer friends do.

This pretty little bird posed for me for about fifteen minutes while I practiced this. I was literally inches from him...of course with some glass between us...but he was perfectly content as I tried out some new skills on him. It was a sweet little moment for me. :) I am unbelievably grateful for this GORGEOUS world we live in!

Now, here is a little tour of where I live...for those of you that are curious:

(I love my quilt. Thanks Mom, cousin Amanda, and all who had a hand in getting it to me!)

111 sq. ft. of just my space to recollect myself. Truly my favorite blessing and a very crucial source of sanity!

(Yes. That's a half pipe. The closest thing to my room aside from other peoples rooms. haha)

The view outside my room. Those hills never get old.

So that's about it for this week! Working, jogging, trying to eat healthily, listening to talks, reading scriptures, making mistakes, being forgiven, hanging out with Paul, trying to be a good example, getting my emotions under control, hanging out in my 'sometimes family' atmosphere, and most importantly, living life the best way I know how. Day to day, line upon line, precept upon precept. 


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