Thursday, November 15, 2012

I am going to start out by saying that Honduras, is absolutely gorgeous. I love the random rain storms, the humidity, the geckos, that random giant iguana, and even the mass amount of birds...that are really loud...every morning, around 0500 hours and especially right before a storm rolls in. I love the little (though semi sketchy) shops, plantains, mango with chilli sauce, horchata, and intense water fights with silly orphan boys.

It has only been two months this Saturday and I have already had the opprotunity to go on so many once in a life time adventures. It has also been my privilage to serve our Heavenly Father's children in so many ways. Bringing food, medicine, vitamins, knowledge, and often times, some much needed fun. I have also used many windows to share bits and pieces of the gospel with my coworkers in safe and happy environments...I believe seeds were planted. ; ) I truely believe this to be my opprotunity to serve a mission. I pray, read my scriptures, and listen to talks faith that I will be prepared when called to any circumstance. The chance to see Heavenly Father work through you to do his one that should never be taken lightly. He would love to use us all to further his work, to spread the true plan of happiness, so let us be prepared. 


Though the views are breathtaking, I stay busy, and have allot of fun...I am still living day to day with a pit in my stomach and a longing for my other half. I miss morning cuddles, afternoon trips to the dog park, and late night promises that we really will remember to bring the red box back this time. We both have found allot of comfort, knowing that no distance can break our sealing; our eternal attatchment to one another....and I miss my puppies too.

I am beyond excited for the adventures that await me. Clynn should be coming to visit in January! I can't wait to share this beautiful Country with him. Here is one last picture of a gorgeous Catholic chapel secluded on a hill we set some medical tents up on. :)

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