Saturday, April 27, 2013

Home For Christmas

I went home on leave for Christmas last second. ( ya'll know how far behind my blog really is. hahaha) Clynn picked me up from the airport and it was the weirdest thing. We hadn't seen each other (aside from skype) in four months and it was so strange to see him solid, and there....all mine. Seriously, all of leave I felt like I was in a dream. Like my computer boyfriend came to life for Christmas. haha

The night he picked me up from the airport was Christmas Eve. It was just like a movie. I was walking through the desserted airport with Christmas music playing a NERVOUS WRECK. I snuck into a bathroom before I went down the escalator I knew he would be waiting under.....(we've had to do this a few times...) I brushed my teeth and my hair....debated lip gloss for about five minutes...pinched my cheeks.....Took a deep breath and reminded myself that he liked me enough to marry me a year and a half ago, and I don't think much has changed sense then. 

Shaky, with butterflies, I went down the escalator. There he was. Blue jeans, a black t shirt, and his Carheart jacket. I hadn't seen him wear that jacket sense we owned the landscaping business we started together when we were engaged. I hugged him and I don't think he has any idea how much that jacket helped me out...the way it smelled like musky laundry detergent and grass brought back old old memories that reminded me how much history we have together. He was my best friend and standing there, he still was.

The plan was to drive straight to my parents house, sleep in the car, and surprise my sisters, Mom, and Dad first thing Christmas morning. It was about a four hour drive from the airport. When we got to the car, (Our first big kid car I had yet to see in person. A 2007 Red Dodge Nitro.) Clynn had folded down all the seats in the back and made it look just like how I made the bed every morning before I had to leave. I couldn't believe he remembered the order I like the pillows in....Max was all kinds of excited, but I almost cried as I could tell Benny was struggling to remember me. I knew he did though, a few minutes later when I called him Sweetpea and he had such a sweet reaction....I'm the only one that calls him that. It's crazy how much we have grown to love our puppies. <3

Max Left, Benny Right. <3

Here is exactly what our new car looks like 
for those of you who haven't seen it yet!

I'll keep the rest of the night special just for our memories. ; ) But I will share this; about two hours into our little road trip, we pulled off the road to let the puppies run around and shared our first kiss in four months surrounded by pouncing puppies, snow, moonlight, and crisp Christmas air. The most romantic kiss of my life. <3 It was unfamiliar, and simple...but innocent and full of love. 

The next morning...of course my Dad...with his stinkin' spidey senses, came to investigate what was going on as we were trying to find a way into the house to surprise them. way but the front door in our home. I have to give a shout out to my Dad here, he really does have super powers when it comes to keeping the people in his home safe. Any little sound and he's up checking the windows and triple checking locked doors. Doesn't help that Debbi's chihuahua is a little yapper. haha

They were all so surprised!!! We had such a fun time opening presents and making breakfast. Clynn got me a super fancy yoga mat and a super fancy hot yoga towel. (Yes, they have specific towels for hot yoga.) A box of See's (ofcourse) and Barton, my new fuzzy Teddy Bear that now sleeps here, in Honduras with me. :) I got him a nerdy hat for playing video games in (a bit of an inside joke), a super sweet sling shot an orphan kid from Honduras made, and a Honduras soccer jersey. We got my family a bunch of Kinder eggs. For those of you who don't know what those are, they are chocolate eggs with fun little toys inside, banned in the states for being choking hazards. We grew up getting little boxes of them from my Aunt Kelli when she lived in Italy, always had the little toys laying around from when my family lived in Germany, and I believe my brother sent us some from Canada while he was on his mission. They're some what of I tradition I guess you could say.

We had Christmas dinner at my Aunt Michelle's and Uncle David's. It was great to see them, my Grandma, and some of my cousin's I hadn't seen in ages! 

A couple days later, we finally made it back to our apartment! It was so nice to get to do all of the little things I love about being the matron of our home. Call me crazy, but I LOVE cleaning our home, buying glad plugins, going all out with the clorox wipes EVERYWHERE, the smell of clean laundry, and cooking for my awesome husband!....even if all I could remember how to make was tacos.....we ate allot of tacos. I'll be working more on that when I get home for good. ;) haha

Ofcourse we had to go to our FAVORITE restaurant, Mama Stortini's! We love it here. The best Italian food in Washington, I'm positive!!!

We had an awesome day with our Godson, Landon. Took him to Taco Bell and fed him fiesta potatoes (sorry Mariah/Landon's Mommy!) spent a good portion of the day at Charlie Safari's, went to dinner at my aunt Sandy's house, then wrapped up the evening with a visit at Nicole's. He's such a fun kiddo!!! We are sad him and his mommy will be moving to California soon after I get home!

This one was his favorite! 

He got to be such a good climber!!!

Awkward "God family" picture...
Landon coughing while holding onto my hair and Clynn thinking "no more pictures!"
I still love it though. :)

This was a pretty fun toy. 
The ones that make noises are the best!...for now, I guess. haha

He played so nice with my youngest cousin!

We also went on a mini date to a Bonsai tree store near Seattle. They had little trees there over eighty years old!!! You wouldn't think a tree store could be so intriguing and fun. I wish I would have taken pictures of some of those trees....but here is us in the store. haha

WE RODE A CAMEL!!!!!! We went on a double date with my brother in law, Neal, to see Zoo Lights and had a blast...even though it was FREEZING COLD!!! :) It was my first time, so I was blown away by how awesome everything looked.

One of the last things we did together was go on a Temple date. We love temple dates. :) So far, they ALWAYS mean when we leave, our marriage feels stronger. We feel more safe, more confident in our individual potential, forgiving, inspired.....the list goes on. Also, Temple dates ALWAYS mean a DQ date to follow. ;) We ran into many old friends, made some new ones, and snapped some pictures!

Our last day together was a Sunday. We got to sit in Church TOGETHER and hold hands. :) (Don't take this for granted my married friends and family!) Also, church was in English! That was really nice for me. 

All of after church was spent cuddling and holding back tears. We washed laundry and repacked my backpack. Clynn dropped me off at the airport, once again, close to midnight. We kissed and said good bye at the Seattle Airport, for what we hope will be the last time.

The trip back to Soto Cano was Solemn. 
Two mornings later I woke up in my hooch. 
I could have been convinced the whole trip was a dream if I hadn't had the pictures on my camera to prove it wasn't. 

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